Meetings of the Board
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FFPL Board members must meet regularly to ensure the proper governance of the FFPLTC and to conduct the business of the FFPL Board.
Since the FFPL Board as a whole has the authority to act, and not individual members, the FFPL Board meeting is the major opportunity for the FFPL Board to do its work - to make decisions, solve problems, educate FFPL Board members, plan for the future and review monitoring or evaluation material submitted by staff.
This policy sets procedures to follow for meetings, and ensures compliance with the Public Libraries Act.
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Types of Meetings
- In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 16.1 (2), FFPL Board meetings will be open to the public unless the subject matter being considered falls within the parameters of the Public Libraries Act s. 16.1(4) as stated in point 5 of this by-law.
- In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 16(1), regular meetings of the FFPL Board shall meet at least 7 times each year, and at such other times as it considers necessary.
In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 14(1), the first meeting shall be called by the CEO of the FFPL Board, in each new term, upon receipt of the confirmation of appointments from the Municipal Clerk. This inaugural meeting shall be held as soon as possible, after the appointments are made by Municipal Council.
At this first meeting, the CEO oversees the elections of the officers. The elections begin with the position of Chair.
In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 16(2), the Chair or any two members of the FFPL Board may summon a special meeting by giving each member reasonable notice in writing, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is called.
- It is the intent that the specified purpose be the sole business of the meeting.
- In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 16.1(4), a meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is:
- the security of the property of the FFPL Board
- personal matters about an identifiable individual
- a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the FFPL Board
- labour relations or employee negotiations
- litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the FFPL Board
- advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose
- a matter in respect of which a board or committee of a board may hold a closed meeting under another Act
In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 16.1 (5) and (6), a meeting shall be closed to the public if the subject matter relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, if the FFPL Board or committee of the FFPL Board is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act.
Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be closed to the public, a FFPL Board or committee of the FFPL Board shall state by resolution:
- the fact of the holding of the closed meeting
- the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting
Record Keeping
- In the absence of the CEO, the Chair is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate record of the meeting is kept.
- The minutes of the regular session shall contain the time that the members left the in-camera session and returned to the regular session.
- The cessation of the in-camera session will be determined by general consent.
- Confidential notes shall be kept and filed separately in a sealed envelope.
- FFPL Board members may attend FFPL Board meetings via telephone, electronic or other communication facility means.
- As all FFPL Board meetings are open to the public, teleconference or other electronic meetings must be conducted in such a way that all members participating can hear each other, at the same time, and that the public can also hear the deliberations.
- Once quorum is established, business proceeds as usual and votes are recorded by name in roll-call fashion.
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Order of Proceedings
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the FFPL Board in cases where there are no by-laws of the FFPL Board in place.
Call to Order
- Meetings shall be called to order by the Chair on the hour fixed for the meeting.
- In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-chair will preside over the meeting.
- In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 16(5), the presence of a majority of the FFPL Board is necessary for the transaction of business at a meeting.
- Where a quorum is not present within fifteen minutes of the hour fixed for a meeting, the Secretary shall record the names of the FFPL Board members present and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next meeting or until a special meeting is called.
- If notified by a majority of FFPL Board members of their anticipated absence from a meeting, the Secretary shall notify all members of the FFPL Board that the meeting is cancelled.
Attendance at Meetings
In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 13, should a member be absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without being authorized by a FFPL Board resolution, the FFPL Board, shall:
- consider the member disqualified from the FFPL Board and notify the appointing council that the seat is vacant, or
- consider the circumstances of the absence and pass a resolution authorizing that person to continue as a FFPL Board member
The agenda focuses the discussion in order to make good use of the FFPL Board’s time. Meetings of the FFPL Board as a whole do not re-do the work of the staff or of the committees.
- All motions at FFPL Board meetings, except those approving or amending the by-laws, are decided by a majority of votes cast. A motion to add, amend or remove a by-law shall require a majority vote of at least two thirds of the members in order to be carried.
- In accordance to the Public Libraries Act s. 16(6), the Chair or Acting Chair of the FFPL Board may vote with the other members of the FFPL Board upon all questions. Any question on which there is an equality of votes shall be deemed to be negative.
- Once approved, minutes of meetings are the official record of decisions and provide direction for officers and employees in their subsequent actions.
- Minutes (excluding in camera minutes) are public documents and shall be made available to the public.
- Minutes of closed meetings are kept separately and held to be confidential.
- Minutes are available in an accessible format upon request.
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Chairing the Meeting
The function of the Chair is to act in a leadership role to the FFPL Board, ensuring that business is dealt with expeditiously, and also to help the FFPL Board work as a team.
It is the duty of the Chair of the FFPL Board to:
- open meetings of the FFPL Board by calling the members to order
- announce the business before the FFPL Board in the order in which it is to be acted upon
- receive and submit, in the proper manner, all motions presented by the members of the FFPL Board
- put to vote all motions which are moved and seconded in the course of proceedings, and announce the results
- decline to put to vote motions which infringe the rules of procedure
- restrain the members, when engaged in debate, within the rules of order
- exclude any person from a meeting for improper conduct
- enforce the observance of order and decorum among the members
- authenticate, by signing, all by-laws and resolutions of the FFPL Board
- instruct the FFPL Board on the rules of order
- represent and support the FFPL Board, declaring its will, and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things
- receive all messages and communications on behalf of, and announce them to, the FFPL Board
- ensure that the decisions of the FFPL Board are in conformity with the laws and by-laws governing the activities of the FFPL Board