Trolls 2: World Tour (PG)


Join us Thursday night in the FFPLTC parking lot for our showing of Trolls 2: World Tour!

Tickets can be purchased at Causeway Insurance from 8:30am-4:30pm. Extra tickets are available at the FFPLTC entrance.

Concession stands with fun snacks like popcorn and mini donuts will accompany the event, with food and drinks costing $1.00-$5.00 per item.

Important Guidelines:

  • Refrain from bringing trucks and SUVs if you don't want to sit near the back
  • Please be mindful of social distancing and wear a mask
  • You are responsible for cleaning up your garbage
  • Wait until the movie ends for direcitons about exiting the parking lot

Tickets purchased and kept after a cancelled night are still valid for use!