It can be embarrassing and difficult to ask vulnerable questions, even to people we look up to and care about like our teachers and parents. If you're a teen and have questions regarding sexual health and education, the Library and Northwestern Health Unit want to be a safe space for you!

On the second Tuesday of every month, you can visit the library between 3-5 pm and talk directly with a registered nurse about those difficult questions in a safe, private, and judgement-free zone. The nurse can also offer:

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections ( Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis)
  • Testing for blood-borne infections ( Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV)
  • Pregnancy tests and referrals
  • Access to affordable birth control
  • Access to emergency contraceptive pill
  • High-risk hepatitis a and hepatitis b vaccinations
  • Harm reduction supplies ( kits, sharp containers)
  • Naloxone
  • Sharps container return

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