Staff Selection and Assignment
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To achieve its mission, the FFPLTC seeks to hire the most qualified FFPLTC Staff possible, based on individual merit and ability.
The FFPL Board attempts to identify and remove barriers that could prevent people from having a fair chance to participate and succeed in the workplace.
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Job Descriptions
- A current job description is completed for each position, which includes:
- the duties, tasks and responsibilities of the position
- the minimum competencies, experience and education required to do the work
- the reporting relationship
- Job descriptions are reviewed annually to ensure that they are aligned with the mission and goals of the FFPLTC.
- Changes to a job description may trigger a review of the position's compensation rate.
- A current job description is completed for each position, which includes:
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Recruitment Procedures and Selection
- To be eligible to work at the FFPLTC, an applicant must possess the following:
- a valid social insurance number
- Canadian citizenship, landed immigrant status or a valid work permit
- the qualifications outlined in the job posting
- a current police record check (LE220) as per The Town of Fort Frances Criminal Background Check policy
When a new position is created or when a vacancy is to be filled, either salaried or contract, the position is posted on the FFPLTC website.
The position may also be advertised in the newspaper and / or posted to online library job boards.
The posting includes the key area of responsibilities, qualifications, hours of work, and deadline for applications.
- Criteria used to select the appropriate individual will be documented and applied consistently. The selection may also include testing for skills that are required for the job.
- At least two references are contacted for the preferred candidate.
An individual who is offered a position signs a letter of employment that outlines the working relationship between the individual and the FFPLTC.
The letter of employment is signed by the employee and returned to the FFPLTC before the commencement of work.
- Once the signed letter of employment has been received, other candidates interviewed may be advised of the decision and thanked for their interest.
Treatment of information collected throughout the selection process conforms with privacy legislation. It must be used for the purposes for which it was collected and kept for 2 years.
An individual making inquiries on their unsuccessful application will be given information on how they were assessed based on the set criteria.
- To be eligible to work at the FFPLTC, an applicant must possess the following:
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Employment of Family Members
- Immediate relatives of existing employees or FFPL Board members may be promoted or hired provided that no potential or real conflict of interest exists from a reporting or supervisory relationship.
Immediate relatives include:
- spouses (including common-law)
- parents
- grandparents
- children
- grandchildren
- siblings
- aunts
- uncles
- nieces
- nephews
- step-relatives
- Summer employment for the children of employees is acceptable and encouraged as long as there is no direct reporting relationship.
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- A probation period allows for assessment by both the incumbent and the CEO of the suitability of a FFPLTC Staff member for the new role. The probationary period is 3 months, during which:
- training, coaching and feedback is provided
- a performance review is completed
- the probationary period may be extended
- the FFPLTC Staff member may be terminated
- The terms of probation for the CEO will be determined through a negotiated employment contract.
- A probation period allows for assessment by both the incumbent and the CEO of the suitability of a FFPLTC Staff member for the new role. The probationary period is 3 months, during which:
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Acting Positions
As per The Town of Fort Frances Additional Responsibility Allowance policy:
Policy Statement
To fairly provide additional remuneration for additional responsibility and workload during exceptional and unforeseen situations, i.e. lengthy illness, lengthy leave of absences, and temporary position vacancies due to resignation or retirement.
This policy is not intended for normal situations, i.e. vacations, short-term illnesses, conferences, courses, meetings, etc.
Additional remuneration may be approved by the administrator based upon a formula of 50% of the rate differential between the subordinate and the manager only after 5 consecutive working days of absence retroactive to the first day.
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A new FFPLTC member receives an orientation about his or her role and the mission and services of the FFPLTC.
The orientation includes a review of relevant policies and procedures.