EBSCOhost Audiobooks

Listen in with Ebscohost Audiobooks! A great way to learn on the go! Create an account and sign in to gain access to Ebscohost's extensive library. Large samples are available to listen to before you choose to check out the title. Checked out titles are available in the Ebscohost Audiobooks app which is available to download for free via google play or the app store.

Canadian Reference Centre

Canadian Points of View Reference Centre is a great tool for students. There are over 150 topics, each with an overview (objective background / description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument). An excellent tool for debaters, essay writers, and individuals simply looking for that counter argument. Search for areas of interests particular to Canadians and stay updated on different sides of current events. 

TumbleBook Library

TumbleBook Library offers children a fun way to read or play games based on your favourite books. Create a personalized playlist of books that can be read out loud one-by-one. Perfect for story time! Search for the perfect book with a variety of different options including Lexile level.

To access the app, login using the username "fortfrancespl" and password "libra".


Pebble Go is a great resource for children and teachers to use. It offers fun and informative games and downloadable print outs on the topics of animals, science and dinosaurs! Answer the question of the day, choose a topic or click on the random article selector and let the learning begin.

NoveList Plus K-8

NoveList K-8 is great for young readers looking to expand their literary horizons. This e-Resource helps you choose which books to read next and provides suggestions based on your area of interest. Not sure what you like? Use the search bar to type in some of your favourite titles and find "read-alikes" or try the appeal mixer and search through a variety of personalized interests. Check the library catalogue to see if we have the title contact us for an inter-library loan, or check Overdrive!

NoveList Plus

Not sure what to read next? Check out novelist to find out similar titles to your favourite books! You can search by author, book, genre or keyword to find "Read-alikes". Use advanced search to filter by audience,  reading level and more!

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