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The Fort Frances Public Library Board recognizes the importance of organizing and retaining business and personal records according to standards that ensure ease of retrieval while maintaining appropriate levels of security and confidentiality.
This policy should be read in conjunction with OP-05 - Privacy.
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- There are certain parameters that local boards (including libraries) must follow. This includes direction that records must be retained in a secure and accessible manner, and that subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, certain records, such as board meeting minutes, must be accessible to the public. This is echoed in the Public Libraries Act 28 (1).
- Municipalities may establish retention periods that local boards are obliged to follow.
- In addition, other bodies to which the library must relate may have their own retention requirements (e.g. CRA requirement to maintain employment records).
- Retention beyond the need for quick access may take place at off-site archival facilities.
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Retention and Access
- The CEO or designate shall administer this policy and ensure that all relevant legal requirements are met. This includes adherence to municipal requirements and those of other levels of government.
- Employees must observe the library’s standards of confidentiality and accessibility in responding to requests to examine records.
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Protection and Storage
- The CEO shall ensure that records are stored in a manner that limits access to those in charge of the records.
- Records shall be stored in such a manner to minimize risk of loss or destruction due to flood, fire, etc.
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Disposition of Records
- The CEO or designate will ensure that records beyond their retention schedule active lives, either on-site or in archival storage, are disposed of.
- Review for disposition and actual disposition itself occurs on an annual basis.
- Disposition must be handled in a secure manner such as shredding.