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In accordance with the Public Libraries Act s. 15(1) a board may appoint and remove such employees as it considers necessary, determine the terms of their employment, fix their remuneration and prescribe their duties.
The FFPLTC provides competitive compensation by establishing job classes and setting wage rates and ranges of pay for those job classes. This begins with compliance with pay equity legislation, and ongoing review of market competitiveness to ensure that the FFPLTC has the capacity to recruit qualified employees by offering competitive salaries.
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Pay Equity Legislation
- The FFPLTC is part of the Town of Fort Frances’ Pay Equity Plan.
- The plan follows current pay equity legislation to score all jobs and place them into appropriate job classes.
- Jobs are evaluated using a method that is compatible with pay equity legislation.
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Salary and Benefits
- The FFPL Board has adopted the compensation grid as outlined in Town of Fort Frances Management / Non-Union Salary Administration policy.
- The FFPL Board agrees that the Town of Fort Frances will be responsible for the administration of the salary and benefits package of FFPLTC Staff in accordance with legislation, Town of Fort Frances Management / Non-Union Benefits policy, and the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS).
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Merit Increases
Following a satisfactory annual performance review (as outlined in the Performance and Discipline policy), and depending on the recommendation in the performance review, FFPLTC Staff members may receive merit increases.
Increases will be calculated as outlined in Town of Fort Frances Management / Non-Union Salary Administration policy item #8.
- A FFPLTC Staff member’s date of hire becomes his or her anniversary date. Anniversary dates are used to determine timing for merit increases.
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